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  • elisefleming123

black lives matter (no racism)

For years people have fought and died for equality and people are improving with the issues like pride and equal rights between people but we are still stuck I'm gonna start with black life's matter because not enough people point out the wrongs with that.

black lives matter is an important issue in our community as black people or brown people get treated differently and that's been happening for years upon years people have died just to get their messages across. Nobody should have to die just to be heard even famous people get treated differently because they are black equality is important as these people as though they aren't the same as everyone else when in reality we are all the same we have the same organs. So why is it that black or brown people be treated different that's the point they shouldn't. George Floyd was an African American man who was murdered by a police officer on may 25th 2020 he was murdered during an arrest after being accused of using counterfeit money in Minneapolis Derek Chauvin, one of four police officers who arrived on the scene, knelt on Floyd's neck and back for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. After his death, protests against police brutality, especially towards black people, quickly spread across the United States and globally. As he was dying, he said "I can't breathe" which was used as a rallying cry during subsequent protests that shouldn't happen to anyone at all this man died and his family had to deal with his death but luckily Chauvin was convicted on two counts of murder and one count of manslaughter on April 20th 2021 The trial of the other three officers at the scene of his death is scheduled to begin on March 7th 2022 another story of Rosa parks On the freezing evening of December 1, 1955, a 42-year-old seamstress boarded a segregated city bus to come home after a hard day of work on a bustling street in Alabama's capital, taking a seat toward the middle, close behind the front "white" section. More passengers boarded at the following stop. The bus driver ordered the black passengers in the middle row to stand when every seat in the white section was taken. The seamstress was adamant in her refusal. Rosa Parks was arrested and found guilty of breaking segregation regulations. On Monday, December 5, she was tried and convicted of disorderly behavior and fined $10 plus $4 in court expenses under a state statute. E.D. Nixon, a friend and former president of the Montgomery NAACP chapter, approached her and asked if she would allow the NAACP to use her case to combat segregation.. She concurred. Mrs. Parks appealed her conviction, formally challenging segregation's constitutionality. Both were well aware of the dangers: harassment, lynching, plus losing her job. She was not the first black woman to do so. Two other black women had been arrested on buses in Montgomery before, and civil rights activists saw them as potential touchstones for challenging the law. Both ladies, however, were turned down because community leaders believed they would not receive enough support.

I support everyone fighting for equal rights as everyone deserves the right to be treated fair no matter if there rich or poor black or white gay or straight we are people who should be loved for who we are and who we want to be nothing should define us as people

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